Gather by Angel 101

GATHER & GRAZE: Step up to the Bar: Dressing a Cocktail, Salad and Dessert Bar 06.12.24



You will experience a beautiful and delicious “bar” at this Gather & Graze cooking event on June 12, 2024 from 6–8:30 pm! Delight your senses with our enchanting cocktail garnish bar, featuring an array of fresh fruits, aromatic herbs, and enticing garnishes. Then, experience summertime garden bounty with Gather and Graze's Salad Bar Cooking Experience. Elevate your taste buds with an array of ingredients sourced at the peak of freshness. Delight in the art of salad crafting as we guide you through the creation of beautiful foods that become centerpieces on your table. From colorful fruits & vegetables to artisanal cheeses, fresh made salad dressings, savor the season's bounty in every bite. Of course the evening isn’t complete until you cool off at our irresistible ice cream bar, featuring our beautiful oils and vinegars and irresistible toppings. Each bar will be inviting and delicious—this is an experience you won't want to miss! Join us for a culinary adventure that promises to help you elevate your summer celebrations. Step up to the bar and savor the beauty and flavors in every bite.

  • The menu will feature the following items:
    • Cocktail Garnish Bar
    • Orange & Fennel Salad
    • Roasted vegetable, risotto and marinated chicken skewers
    • Ice Cream bar with oils and vinegars, toppings & finishing salt
  • All attendees will be given the chance to shop in-store before and during the event. Any purchases made will receive 10% off your total.
  • Don't miss out...Save your spot by purchasing your ticket now! This experience is a ticketed event only and is limited to 14 guests maximum.

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